The Department of Civil Engineering Was established in the Year 2011 with intake of 60. One of the primary Engineering Departments of the Institute. The department has grown tremendously and is now recognized as one of the major Engineering department. The Department of Civil Engineering offers in Civil Engineering. The Department has well equipped laboratory and few ongoing research works. It undertakes consultancy work as a part of its interaction with industry/Govt. Authority and also organizing workshops, conferences, and seminars/symposia for professional interaction. All in the entire Department contributes to the overall progress of Civil Engineering activities throughout the Country and gives an impetus to the progress of the nation. The Department of Civil Engineering with its multifaceted faculty continues to maintain and cultivate its strong links with academic and research institutions in the country. The Department is strongly focusing on teaching, student activities research and consultancy works.
Infrastructure facilities include well equipped laboratories such as Applied Mechanics laboratory, surveying laboratory, Strength of Materials laboratory, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery laboratory, Engineering Geology lab, Environmental Engineering laboratory, Concrete Technology laboratory, Geotechnical laboratory, Transportation Engineering laboratory, CAD laboratory and Departmental Library.